Deploying on Heroku

No more headaches!

Warm up

Start a simple django project.

Some configurations

  • Install Heroku Toolbelt from here
  • Login into Heroku: $ heroku login
  • Add a Procfile

    web: gunicorn sample.wsgi
  • And a requirements file

    pip freeze > requirements.txt

Let's start!

  • Create an account in Heroku.
  • Create an app

Adding a database cannot be easier

$ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql

Gimme the code!

Create a new repo for your code

Push it!

  • Add a remote to your heroku repo.
  • Commit the code
  • And push it to heroku master!

Turn it on!

$ heroku ps:scale web=1

And let the magic flow


BY Álvaro Lázaro

More info on Heroku Devcenter